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Chapter 7 - Yasna 34

1.  Yâ1 shyaothanâ2 That which1 is the deed2
ýâ3 vachanghâ4 that which3 is the word4,
ýâ5 and that which5
  we17 obtain19
ýasnâ6 owing to worship6  
Ameretatâtem7 (viz.) immortality7 (i.e. happiness of the spiritual world) 
Ashemchâ8 truth8,
  power12 and welfare13.
taêibyô9 dåonghâ10  I offer10
Mazdâ11 O Ahura Mazda11,16
Khshathremchâ12 Haurvatâtô13

see two lines above

aêshãm14 tôi15 Ahurâ16 unto Thee15
êhmâ17 pourutemâish18 first of all18  

 see above



at-châ20 To Thee22
î21-tôi22 mananghâ23 with (full) heart23
mainyush24 vanghush25 vîspâ26 (are the) good25 thoughts24
 dâtâ27 offered27 (O Ahura Mazda)38
speñtakhyâchâ28 neresh29 shyaothanâ30 (and the good) deeds30 of the beneficent28 man29  
ýehyâ31 urvâ32 whose31 soul32
ashâ33 hachaitê34 is accompanied34 by truth33
pairigaêthê35 I may approach Thee35.
khshmâvatô36 vahmê37 through the prayer37 worthy of Thee36  
Mazdâ38 O Ahura Mazda38
garôbîsh39 stûtãm40 and through the divine songs39 of thy glorifiers40,
At41-tôi42 myazdem43 Votive offerings43  
Ahurâ44  O Ahura Mazda44!
nemanghâ45 with humble  adoration45
ashâichâ46 unto Thee42 and Asha46.
dâmâ47  we offer47
gaêthåo48 vîspåo49 âkhshathrôi50 ýå51 Within (Thy) Dominion50 (O Ahura Mazda) all49 living creatures48
Vohû52 thraoshtâ53 Mananghâ54 are nourished53 on account of Vohu Mana52,54
ârôi55-zî56 hudåonghô57 vîspâish58 Mazdâ59 khshmâvasû60 savô61.  "That person is fully sagacious who in every respect offers prayers to thee and to those belonging to Thee (i.e. Yazatas)".

"Translated by Darmesteter"

at62-tôi63 âtarêm64 Ahurâ65 O Ahura Mazda65 we ardently desire  (we choose) Thy63, fire64
aojônghvañtem66 mighty66

see below

usêmahî68 swiftest68,
asîshtem69 êmavañtem70 courageous70,
stôi-rapañtêm71 ever giving delight71,
chithrâ-avanghem72 giving help in various ways (or miraculously)72
  through Asha  (i.e. through his holy immortal Asha Vahishta)67.
at73 Mazdâ74  O Ahura Mazda!74

see below

 zastâ-ishtâish76 (Fire) through his full strength76

dereshtâ77 aênanghem78.

is the holder strongly77 (i.e. punisher of) the tormentor75 and the avenger78.
Kat79 (Do thou tell me) on what79
 vê80 khshathrem81  Thy80 sovereignty81 is (founded) 
82 and what82 (is) 
îshtîsh83, Thy wish83
shyaothanâish84 so that through (my good) works84
Mazdâ85 O Ahura Mazda85
ýathâ86 vâo87 (remaining) in Thy87  
 hakhmî88  friendship88  
Ashâ89 with righteousness89
Vohû90 Mananghâ91 and good90 intent91 
thrâyôidyâi92 I give shelter92
drigûm93 ýûshmâkem94, to Thy94 poor93 men.
parê95 våo96 vîspâish97 parê98 vaokhemâ99 We have regarded98,99 Thee96  as most excellent (or we have called thee the best98,99).
daêvâishchâ100 khrafstrâish1 mashyâishchâ2. being separated from all97 the Daevas100 and wicked1 men2  
Yezî3  If3 (Thou), 
athâ4 stâ5 haithîm6 art5 truly6 so4
Mazdâ7 O Ahura Mazda7
Ashâ8  on account of righteousness8  
vohû9 mananghâ10 and good9 thought10
(i.e. Thou Thyself are the allegorical form of righteousness and thought)
at11 tat12 môi13 then, to me,
dakhshtem14 dâtâ15 ahyâ16 anghêush17 in this16 world17  grant such inspiration14
vîspâ18 maêthâ19, for enjoying19 (my) whole18 life,
ýathâ20 so that20
våo21 I may approach25,26 Thee21
ýazemnaschâ22 urvâidyåo23 as Thy most devoted23 worshipper22 
stavas24 ayenî25 paitî26. and as Thy glorifier24.
Kuthrâ127  Where22  
tôi28 aredrâ29  (are) Thy worshippers29,
Mazdâ30 O Ahura Mazda30
ýôi31 Vanghêush32 vaêdenâ33 mananghô34 who through understanding33 of good32 thought34,
sêñghûsh35 (by regarding) the commandments of the Religion35  
raêkhenåo36 as true wealth36
aspêñchît37 sâdrâchît38 chakhrayô39 usheurû40; may fulfill39 with full intelligence40 in happiness37 as well as in distress38?
naê41-chîm42 têm43 anyêm44 ýûshmat45 vaêdâ46 I have not41 known46 any one42 except44 Thee45,
ashâ O Thou 'righteous' one47
Athâ48-nå49 thrâzdûm50. therefore48 do Thou protect50 us49.
Tâish5152-nåo53 shyaothanâish54 byeñtê55 For52, (the heretics) frighten55 us53 by those51 deeds54 of theirs,
ýaêshû56 in which (works)56  
as57 pairî58 is included57,58
pourubyô59 ithyejô60; destruction60 for many59
hyat61 The person61
as62 aojyåo63 nâidyånghem64

see below

thwahyâ65 Mazdâ66 ãstâ67 O Ahura Mazda!66  who defies ( dis- obeys)67 Thy65
urvâtahyâ68; commandments68 of the Religion68
  can succeed62,63 over the weaker64 (or the poorer)64.
ýôi69 Such a person69
nôit70 ashem71 mainyañtâ72 does not70 pay heed72 to righteousness71,
aêibyô73 and from such a person73

dûirê74 Vohû75 as76 Manô77.

Good75 Thought77 remains76 at a distance74.
ýôi78 Who78
  inspite of knowing94  
speñtãm79 ârmaitîm80 thwahyâ81 Thy81 beloved83 Spenta Armaiti
 (i.e. bountiful devotion or beneficent perfect mortality)79,80
Mazdâ82 O Ahura Mazda!82
berekhdhãm83 vîdushô84

see above

 dush-shyaothanâ85 avazazat86  pass the life86 as wicked doers85  
vanghêush87 evistî88 mananghô89 through the ignorance88 of good87 thought89
aêibyô90 from such persons90 ,
mash91 ashâ92 syazdat93 righteousness92 flees away93 entirely91
 ýavat94 ahmat95 aurunâ96 khrafstrâ97. just as94 wild96 noxious creatures97 flee away93 from us95.


ahyâ98 The person98
vanghêush99 mananghô100

see below

shyaothanâ1 vaochat2 gerebãm3 hukhratush4  of good wisdom4 tells2 to uphold3 deeds1 
  of good99 thought100 
speñtãmchâ5 ârmaitîm6 (moreover) he knows8 Spenta5 Armaiti6  
dãmîm7 vîdvåo8 hithãm9 ashahyâ10, (to be) the real9 origin7 of Truth10
tâchâ11 vîspâ12 All11 these12 (moral virtues)
Ahurâ13 thwahmî14 Mazdâ15 (help our growth),  O Ahura Mazda13,15! in Thy14
khshathrôi16 sovereignty16 
â vôyathrâ17. because these virtues smite17 (The oppression) with fear..
At18 tôi19

see below

ubê20 Both20
haurvåoschâ21 Khordad21

see below

â23 Ameretatåoschâ23 and Amerdad23
  (are) for thy19 food22 
  Comments of Ervad Kanga " I have translated as above but it is not trustworthy or satisfactory. I do not understand properly the translation of this strophe"
Vanghêush24 Khshathrâ25 Mananghô26 Through the sovereignty25 of Vohu Manah24,26  
  Ashâ27 mat28 and through Asha27 Truth.
ârmaitish29 vakhsht30 devotion29 (or perfect mentality)29 increases30.
utayûitî31 tevîshî32 Strength31 and vigour32,
 tâish33 (are)  Through them33
â Mazdâ34 O Ahura Mazda!34
vîdvaêshãm35 thwôi36 ahî37. Thou36 art37 the expeller of malice and harm35
kat38 tôi39 râzarê40, what (are) Thy guiding principles40?
kat41 vashî42, What41 dost Thou wish42 
kat4344 stûtô45, as regards (Thy) praise45 
 kat4647 ýasnahyâ48 or47 as regards (Thy) worship48
srûidyâi49 Mazdâ50 frâvaochâ51 Do thou tell (me) openly51 (all these) that I  may hear49! O Ahura Mazda50
52 vîdâyât53 ashîsh54 râshnãm55 so that52 blessings54 of (Thy) commandments55 may be accrued53 (unto me). 
sîshâ56-nå57 ashâ58 Through righteousness58 (O Ahura Mazda) do Thou teach56 us57
pathô59  the paths59
Vanghêush60 k hvaêtêñg61 mananghô62 of Vohu Manah60,62 himself61 (or special0
têm63 advânem64 (1). As regards that63 path64
  of Vohu Mana69,70 (i.e. good thought) 
Ahurâ65  O Ahura Mazda!65  
ýêm66 môi67 mraosh68 about which66 thou hast said68 to me67
vanghêush69 mananghô70

see above

daênå71 saoshyañtãm72 (2) About the commandments71 of the Future Saviours
 ýâ73 hûkeretâ74  by (acting according to) which man performing good deeds74
ashâchît75 urvâkhshat76 through his righteousness etc75 enjoys happiness76;
hyat77 chivishtâ78 (3) thou hast promised78 (to give) that which77
 hudâbyô79 mîzhdem80 is the reward80 unto those possessing good wisdom79 -
Mazdâ81, O Ahura Mazda!  
ýehyâ8283  of which (reward)82 Thou Thyself83 art
dathrem84.  the apportioner84 (do thou explain and interpret all these)
tat8586 Mazdâ87  Thou O Ahura Mazda87! surely86,
vairîm88 astvaitê89 ushtânâi90 to this corporeal89 life90,
dâtâ91 hast granted91
  Thy100 good wisdom1 (loved by all)
vanghêush92 shyaothanâ93 mananghô94

see below

ýôi9596 to those who95  
gêush97 verezênê98 azyå99 in this revolving99 world97 (are deeply engrossed) in performing98  
 khshmâkãm100 huchistîm1

see above

   deeds93 of good92 thought94
Ahurâ2 (and are) O Ahura Mazda!2

 khratêush3 ashâ4 frâdô5 verezênâ6.

the promoters of the deeds of wisdom3 through righteousness4.


mazdâ7  O Ahura Mazda7!
  do thou tell13  
at8 môi9 me9
vahishtâ10 sravåoschâ11 about the best sacred versed of the Religion11
shyaothanâchâ12 and deeds12
vaochâ13, tâ14-tû15 that through these14 really15 (I will repay) 
Vohû16 Mananghâ17 Ashâchâ18 ishudem19  the debt19 of Thy hymns of praise17 with good16 thought17 and with righteousness18
   (in order that in its return)
   mayest Thou make27 my life28,
 stûtô20 khshmâkâ21 khshathrâ22 through Thy21 power22
Ahurâ23 O Ahura Mazda23!
ferashêm24 vasnâ25 haithyêm26 and in accordance with Thy will25 truly26 fresh24
(or mayest thou make my life regenerated, 
dåo27 ahûm28

see above

  i.e. mayest thou grant the happiness of the next birth indicates the "Doctrine of Reincarnation". 
{the strophe should be recited four times)
  References to the subject of next birth are there in Yasna Ha 34.1,Yasna Ha 34.8, Yasna Ha 34.15,in the first edition of the book and in  Yasna Ha 32.5 , and Yasna Ha 34.12 in all the six editions of the Gatha-ba-Maani.
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyêush22 mazdâ23

see below

pourvîm24 first of all24.

 see below

ashâ26 vîspêñg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghêush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
  of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
khratûm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gêushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (4).
ashem vohû ... (3).
ýâ-shyaothanãm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3 We revere3 the chapter2 called ya-shyaothna1
Ahunavaitîm4 Gâthãm5 ashaonîm6 ashahe7 ratûm8 ýazamaide9 We revere9 the holy Ahunavad4  Gatha5 which is the lord8 of holiness7
Ahunavaityå10 gâthayå11 hañdâtâ12 ýazamaide13 We revere13 the prayer12 of Ahunavad10 Gatha11
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 
(To be recited in Baz) Ahurmazda Khodae, awazune mardum, mardum sardagan hama sardagan hambayaste vehan, oem behedin Mazdayasnan neki rasanad; aedun bad     (to be recited loudly)
ýathâ ahû vairyô ..
Yasnemcha1 vahmemcha2 aojascha3 zaverecha4 afrinami5, I praise5 the worship1 glory2 strength3 an vigour4 (of all those)
Ahurahe6 Mazdao6 raevato7 khvarenanguhato8, of Ahura Mazda6 (the creator)  wealth bestowing7 (and) glorious8
Ameshanam9 Spentanam9,   of the amesha9 spentas9 ( bountiful Immortals)
Gathabyo10 spentabyo11 ratu-khshathrabyo12 ashaonibyo13, amongst  the bountiful11 gatha10 ( which are) the lords of truth12 ( and) holy13 
Ahunavaityao14 Gathayao15, of ahunavad14 gatha15
Ushtavaityao16 Gathayao17, of ushtavad16 gatha17 
Spenta18 Mainyeush18 Gathayao19, of spentomad18 gatha19
 Vohu-kshathrayao20 Gathayao21, of vohu-kshthtra20 gatha21  
Vahishtoishtoish22 Gathayao23, of vahishtosht22 gatha23
ashaunam24 Fravashinam25 ughranam26 and of the powerful26 and triumphant27 fravashis25
aiwithuranam27. of the righteous men27
Paoiryo-tkaeshanam28 Fravashinam29 of the fravashis29 of poryotkaeshas28 
naha30 nazdishtanam30 Fravashinam31 and of the fravashis31 of nabanazdishta30 (i.e. of the next of kith and kin)
ashem vohû
Ahmai Raescha
jasa me 
Kerfeh Mozd