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Chapter 10 - Yasna 45

Holy prophet tells his listeners in a sermon thus 
at1 fravakhshyâ23 gûshôdûm45 sraotâ6 ýaêchâ7 Now3 give ye ear4 and now5 listen attentively6 that which I speak2 openly;
asnât8 ýaêchâ9 dûrât10 you who7 are ( coming) from far10 and near8 
ishathâ11, desire11 ( to learn religious matters from me).
12 îm13 vîspâ14 chithrê1516 mazdånghô-dûm17, Indeed16 bear in mind17 properly15 this time12 all14 these13 ( subject matters of mine)
nôit18 daibitîm19 dush-sastish20 ahûm21 merãshyât22; (so that) a false religious teacher20 may not18 destroy22 ( your) life21 ( a second time) in future
akâ23 varanâ24 dregvåo25 hizvå26 âveretô27. The wicked man25 through ( his)23 evil doctrine24 ( and) speech26 goes astray27
  O members of the assembly!
at28 fravakhshyâ29 I will declare29 ( unto you)
anghêush30 mainyû31 about the Twin Spirits31 of the world30
 pouruyê32, first of all32,
ýayåo33 spanyåo34 ûitî35 mravat36 ýêm37 añgrem38 of whom33 the most bountiful34 (spirit) spoke to the harmful36 (or destructive) (spirit)38 thus35
nôit3940 manåo41, Neither39 our40 thoughts41 
nôit42 sêñghâ43, nor42 our40 teachings43 
nôit44 khratavô45 or senses45 (or understandings)45 
naêdâ46 varanâ47 nor our manners47 (or doctrines)47 
nôit48 ukhdhâ49 nor words49 
naêdâ50 shyaothanâ51, nor deeds51
nôit52 daênå53  nor our consciences53 
nôit54 urvãnô55 nor souls55 
hacaiñtê56 conform or accord with each other.56
at57 fravakhshyâ58 anghêush59 ahyâ60 pourvîm61, I will expound58 (to you) the foremost61 ( knowledge) of this60 life59 ( or of this60 world59)
ýã62 môi63 vîdvåo64 Mazdåo65 vaochat66 Ahurô67, which62 the Omniscient64 Ahura67 Mazda65 has said66 to me63 ( through me).  
ýôi68 îm6970 nôit71 (That is this) If ( those) amongst70 you who68 will not71
 ithâ72 mãthrem73 varesheñtî74, put into practice74 this Holy Word73
ýathâ75 îm76 mênâichâ77 vaocha-châ78    as75 I think77 and ( as now) expound78 it76
aêibyô79 anghêush80 avôi81 anghat82 apêmem83 (then) their79 life80 will end83 in destruction81 ( or calamity)81
at84 fravakhshyâ85 I will expound85 (to you) the best88
anghêush86 ahyâ87 vahishtem88 ashât89 hachâ90

see below

Mazdâo91 (viz. about Him Ahura Mazda91)
vaêdâ92 ýê93 îm94 dât95  who is all-knowing92 ( and) who93 has given95 ( me) this ( religion and holy spell) 
patarêm96 Vanghêush97 varezayañtô98 Mananghô99 (who is) the diligent98 ( or active)98 Father96 of good97 thought99
  in this world86 on account of90 righteousness89 
 at100 hôi1 dugedâ2 hushyaothanâ3 ârmaitish4 and whose1 daughter2 Armaiti4 is well working3
 nôit5 divzhaidyâi6 vîspâ-hishas7 Ahurô8 Ahura Mazda8 who is the All-Seeing7 is never5 deceived by anyone6.
At9 fravakhshyâ10  I will expound10
hyat11 môi12 mraot13 Speñtôtemô14, vachê15  the sacred verse15 (of the religion) (to you) which11 the most bountiful14  (i.e. Ahura Mazda) said13 to me12 
srûidyâi16  hyat17 maretaêibyô18 vahishtem19; (and) which17 ( is) most  beneficial19 for men18 to hear16
ýôi20 môi21 ahmâi22 Seraoshem23 dãn24 chayaschâ25; those who20 will give24 obedience23 and attention25 to me21
upâ-jimen26 Haurvâtâ27 Ameretâtâ28; will acquire26 health27 and immortality28  
Vanghêush29 manyêush30 shyaothanâish31 (Moreover) through the deeds31 of good29 thought30 (i.e. through virtuous deeds)
Mazdåo32 Ahurô33. (to such persons) the creator Ahura33 Mazda32 ( will appear or will be near).
at33 fravakhshyâ34 I will explain34
vîspanãm35 mazishtem36 about the greatest36 of all35   (God) to you ;
 stavas37 ashâ38 (Also) I sing hymns in His praise through righteousness38.
ýê39 hudå40 ýôi41 heñtî42 who39 (Himself) is very wise40 ( and) who41 (i.e. his Ameshaspands) are42 ( also full of wisdom).
speñtâ43 mainyû44 Through (His) Bountiful43 Spirit44 
sraotû45 Mazdåo46 Ahurô46 Ahura47 Mazda46 will hear45 (my prayer).
ýehyâ47 vahmê48 Whose47 worship48
 vohû49 frashî50 mananghâ51 is performed50 through good49 thought51
ahyâ53 khratû53 frô-mâ54 sâstû55 vahishtâ56 Through his own52 best56 wisdom55 He will teach55 me54 
ýehyâ57 savâ58 ishåñtî59

see below

râdanghô60 The charitable ones60
ýôi61-zî62 jvâ63  who61 ( are) living63,
åongharechâ64 who61 have been64
bvañtichâ65 and who61 will be hereafter65 
   verily62 desire59 benefits58 from Him57 (i.e. form Ahura Mazda) (i.e. aspire to get benefits). 
ameretâitî66 ashâunô67 urvâ68 aêshô69 The soul68 of the righteous ( man)67 ( is) aspiring69 for immortality66  (i.e. for the happiness of heaven);
utayûtâ70 ýâ71 nerãsh72 sâdrâ73 dregvatô74; To sinful72 persons74 tribulations73 are severe70
tâchâ75 khshathrâ76 Mazdåo77 dãmish78 Ahurô79 and the Creator78 Ahura79 Mazda77 ( has established) these laws75 ( through his) Power76.
têm8081 staotâish82 nemanghô83 â vîvareshô84; We wish84 to praise Him80 ( Ahura Mazda) with hymns82 of adoration83
  we wish84 to praise Him80 because we are indeed86 aware93 of ( the matters of religion)94.
 nû85-zît86 chashmainî87 vyâdaresem88, I now85 clearly see88 within ( my) eye87 ( that)
vanghêush89 manyêush90 shyaothanahyâ91 ukhdhakhvyâchâ92 Omniscient96 Lord97 (i.e. Ahura Mazda) of good thought90, word92 and deed91
vîdush93 ashâ94 ýêm95 

see above

Mazdãm96 Ahurem;97
at98 hôi99 vahmêñg100 demânê1 garô2 nidâmâ3. We will3 offer His99 praise100 (or songs) (not only in this world but) in the Garothman2 Heaven1 (too).
têm45 vohû6 mat7 Mananghâ8 chikhshnushô9, Together with7 good6 thought8 we wish5 to propitiate Him4 (i.e. Ahura Mazda)
ýê10-nê11 usên12 choret13 spênchâ14 aspênchâ15  who10 wishing good for us11,12 has created13 weal14 and woe15.
Mazdå16 khshathrâ17 verezi18 nåo19 dyât20 Ahurô21

see below

 pasûsh22 vîrêñg23 ahmâkêñg24 fradathâi25 In order to make our24 men23 and cattle22 prosperous25
    Ahura21 Mazda16 through (His) sovereign power17 will bestow20 upon us19 ( the required) strength18

â26 vanghêush27 ashâ28 haozãthwât29 â30 Mananghô31

on account of good wisdom29 in (our) good27 mind31 and on account of righteousness38.
têm3233 ýasnâish34 ârmatôish35 Through humble35 worship34  (or Through the worship34 of humility35)  we wish33 to offer prayers to Him32
mimakhzhô36 ýê37 ãnmênî38 Mazdå39 srâvî40 Ahurô41; who37 in his inscrutable strength38 is known40 as omniscient39 and the bestower of life 
hyat42 hôi43 ashâ44 vohuchâ45 chôisht46 Mananghâ47   and who37 through righteousness44 and good45 thought47 has decreed46
khshathrôi48 hôi49 Haurvâtâ50 Ameretâtâ51 weal50 and immortality51 for him43 (i.e. for the virtuous person) in His Dominion48
ahmâi52 stôi53 dãn54 tevîshî55 utayûitî56. Moreover Ahura Mazda bestows54 upon him52 (i.e. upon the virtuous person) ever53 strength55 and might56.


ýastâ57 daêvêñg58 aparô59 mashyãschâ60 tarê-mãstâ61 ýôi62 îm63 tarê-manyañtâ64 Whoso57 hates61 those daevas58 and mean59 persons60 who despise64  ( Ahura Mazda); (or regard Ahura Mazda as mean)

see below

ahmât66 ýê67 hôi68 arêm69 manyâtâ69 saoshyañtô70 dêñg71 patôish72 speñtâ73 daênâ74  (and) who- so57 sees Him68 (i.e. Ahura Mazda)  ( and) the wise71 Saoshyants70 through the holy73 ( or bountiful) religion74 of the Lord72.with reverence69 
urvathô75 barâtâ76 patâ7778 Mazdâ79 Ahurâ79! Thou art, O Ahura79 Mazda79, the friend75 helper76 or78 father77 of ( that) man68.


From such a person (the daevas and mean persons) (are) quite different65 (i.e. of quite against the doctrines)
ushtâ ahmâi ýahmâi ushtâ kahmâicît vasê-xshayãs mazdå dâyât ahurô utayûitî tevîshîm gat tôi vasemî ashem deredyâi tat môi då ârmaitê râyô ashîsh vanghêush gaêm mananghô (2).
ashem vohû ... (3). 
at-fravakhshyãm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3. We revere3 the chapter2 called At-Fravakhshya1.
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27.