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Darius Jahanian, M.D. is an obstetrician-gynecologist in the Kansas City area, with degree from University of Tehran and Washington University, St. Louis. He is a co-founder and president of the Fravahar Zoroastrian Youth organization of Tehran. Darius served as trustee of the Rostam Guiv Trust of California 1981-89, is a trustee and VP of the Rostam Guiv Foundation of New York since 1990, and its president since 1992. He is a founder and two-term president of the Zoroastrian Association of Kansas. A noted author and lecturer on the Zoroastrian religion, Darius also teaches religion classes for children.
  1. Fire "Athra" and Fiery Test
  2. Medicine in Avesta and Ancient Iran
  3. The First Declaration of Human Rights
  4. Islamic era histroy of Zoroastrians of Iran through political analysis and historical letters
  5. Zarathushtra, Mazdayasna, and Governance
  6. Women in the Avesta Era